Good Friday Station 12: Jesus Dies Upon the Cross

a series of reflections based on this online stations of the cross

Jesus cries out on the cross, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me,” and breathes his last. In this act of surrender and desperation, the curtain is torn. In the very act of Jesus crying out about feeling (or being?) forsaken by God, the curtain that separated God from humanity is torn. Even as Jesus feels abandoned by God, God is tearing down the curtain in the temple.

This, for me, is the message of the cross. Growing up I was more strongly influenced by Jesus being nailed to the cross. I was told to think about all my sins that the nail represented, and how it should have been me on that cross, but Jesus took my place.

But, now…it is this moment that continues to transform me. As Jesus is crying out to God and in the very grip of death itself feeling totally abandoned and alone, the curtain that separates God from humanity is torn down. The Holy of Holies is made accessible. The space that could only be entered by a particular religious elite was eliminated.

Jesus dies upon the cross…and in that moment, God makes Gods’ self available to humanity in a new way.

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