This confusing of the languages…

I was in the States for 8th grade, and near the end of the year was getting ready to go on a summer mission trip to Mexico with a friend’s youth group.  One day as we were getting ready for P.E. and reflecting on the orientation meeting we’d been to… Continue reading

The message in the text

Sermon illustrations come from the funniest places.  Recently, my little brother was texting me pictures of these amazing meals he was preparing: So I sent him a picture of my fridge with the text, “Clearly I need a paycheck and to go shopping.”  I had recently  returned back from a Youth Mission trip,… Continue reading

What is she teaching you?

At a Deaconess Board Retreat, this question was posed: “Think of one person in your context…what is that person teaching you?” The first person who came to mind for me was a 4 yr. old in my congregation.  When she’s there on a Sunday morning, this little girl sits with… Continue reading

Worthiness and Poverty

I recently began reading the book “When Helping Hurts,” by Steve Corbett and Brian Fikkert.  I’ve heard about this book in the context of reflecting on attitudes and methods used in “Christian Outreach” that are…less than helpful.  I’m reading it to increase my capacity to engage a conversation about the… Continue reading