Singing Through the Alphabet

Car trip games are a necessity with 5 kids and no electronics, I suppose. We spent lots of time in the car growing up; and before the days of Walkmans and Game Boys, my parents had to find ways to keep our fidgeting and poking at one another to a… Continue reading

Facing Death. Hoping for Resurrection.

But the challenging reality of being death and resurrection people is that even as we anticipate resurrection, we face death.   Lent 5A. John 11:1-45, Ezekiel 37:1-14, Romans 8:6-11 Grace, mercy and peace to you in the name of the one who calls us forth and gives us life.  Amen. Here we… Continue reading

The Margin Space of Wilderness

Before he has PERFORMED in any way, God declares Jesus beloved.  This declaration is what strengthens and equips Jesus for the struggles and realities of his life and ministry.  He can love others, because he knows himself to be loved.  He can offer healing to others, because he knows himself to be whole.  He… Continue reading

Whose Light Is It?

This is who and what you are.  You are the light.  Being a light is not action you take to deserve or prove your rightness before God.  Becoming a light is action God takes.  You are the light of the world.  Some days you may feel like it, most days you probably don’t.  But it’s still… Continue reading

Youth Ministry Tip

I believe to the core of my soul that God loves and calls children and youth and that the Holy Spirit dwells in them. Let’s be honest—I’m not a great youth minister.  I don’t remember the fun games.  I don’t have a bunch of treats and prizes in my back pocket.  I forget… Continue reading