Share the Light

Sermon—March 11, 2018 Numbers 21:4-9Ephesians 2:1-10John 3:14-21 Today’s gospel reading begins with a reference to an obscure story from Numbers that is probably not in many children’s Bibles, and doesn’t have a fun chorus with cheesy hand-motions that go with it.  It’s just…odd.  The Israelites are in the wilderness on… Continue reading

Lessons in Hindsight

Sermon for St. Mark’s Lutheran Church, Dunedin, FLMay 28, 2017John 17:1-11, Acts 1:6-14 Our readings today speak to the transition from the season of Easter to the season of Pentecost.  For the last 6 weeks, we have been basking in the light of the resurrected Christ, celebrating the truth that… Continue reading

Not Another School Cafeteria Scene

Pentecost 12cAug. 28, 2022 Luke 14:1, 7-14 Prepared for Family Camp weekend at Luther Village. It’s a common feature in coming of age movies–the school cafeteria. A new kid walks in and doesn’t know where to sit. An ‘unpopular kid is sitting at a table and a group of ‘popular’… Continue reading

When Words Fail Us

One of the most meaningful things about my dad has always been his deep heart for others and his passion for his faith.  He shared both his heart and his faith through writing letters, teaching, answering phone calls, chatting over countless cups of chai, and selflessly showing up for people… Continue reading

The Wholeness of Rest

We cannot say we value rest when those who are bound by disease, prejudice, oppression, inequality or our ignorance are excluded from experiencing rest.  It is exactly our conviction about the sabbath—holistic, restorative rest–that motivates our work for healing, release and justice.  We cannot say we value rest when some among us are excluded from experiencing that rest because of something that is limiting their wholeness. Continue reading

Gratitude & Generosity

Pentecost 8c Luke 12:13-21 Preached at Hilldale Lutheran Church, Thunder Bay, on the occasion of a pastor’s retirement Grace and peace to you in the name of Jesus.  Amen. In our gospel reading today, Jesus is speaking to his disciples as a crowd gathers.  Jesus knows that his time with them will… Continue reading

God IS Relationship

Trinity Sunday–Year CJune 12, 2022Sherwood Park Lutheran Church, Winnipeg, Manitoba Today is Trinity Sunday—a day to focus on a concept that we use to explain what we know is complex and unexplainable.  We can’t confine the Trinity—this idea that God is 3 separate but united ‘persons’—to one Sunday. Just like we… Continue reading

Not Just a Pentecost Moment

Day of Pentecost-Year CActs 2:1-21; John 14: 8-17 [25-27]Brandon Lutheran Church, Brandon, Manitoba Grace, mercy and peace to you in the name of Jesus.  Amen.   Today, we come to the end of the Easter season. Pentecost Sunday is the 50th day of the Easter season, the season that began with Mary… Continue reading

One-ness and Relationship

Easter 7CJohn 17:17-24May 29, 2022 Grace, mercy and peace to you in the name of Jesus, Amen. Today is the final Sunday in the season of Easter.  But instead of a resurrection story, our gospel reading today takes us back to the evening before Jesus is arrested, tried and crucified.  In John’s… Continue reading