Christ the King Sunday–a different kind of power

As I reflect on Christ the King Sunday (this past Sunday), I find myself pondering the words to the hymn we sang in church: “Though some would make their greatness felt and lord it over all, you said the first must be the last and service be our call. O… Continue reading

Big Church WHAT?!?

I recently attended a Christian music concert that left me with some thoughts: There is something super-powerful about a corporate gathering of people singing about a shared set of beliefs and values.  I’m not a huge fan of large concerts…my preference would almost always be acoustic music in a much… Continue reading

The Call

For a variety of reasons, I’ve been reflecting on those things that compelled me to go into a professional church leadership career.  I ran across this reflection on my ‘call story.’ I figured if I wanted to understand how Lutherans understand faith development, I needed to experience camp. After college… Continue reading

The Set-apart-ness of stuff and people

Reading Exodus 30-32 is interesting.  Specifically the contrast between Ex. 30-31 and Ex. 32 is intriguing.  Ex. 30-31 (and maybe the chapter/s before) are all about setting apart STUFF and PEOPLE as holy and consecrated. The stuff the priests wore was consecrated and holy.  The oil used for anointing was… Continue reading

Reclaiming Oils

In my ongoing quest towards claiming those things that really matter to me in ways that actually show up in my life, I’m experimenting with and learning about essential oils and nature-based hair products and cleaning products.  I continue to see connections between these products and…life…and occasionally write these connections… Continue reading

Reflecting on the Wilderness

Reflection on Exodus 33:12-23 (October 22, 2017) I was invited to share a reflection with a Spanish-speaking congregation.  This was my reflection, which was translated and shared with those who attended. When Moses was praying to the Lord on behalf of his people, there was a separation between people and… Continue reading

Redemptive Violence and 24

A few weeks ago I listened to a Robcast about the “lie of redemptive violence.”  In this podcast, Rob Bell explains how this idea of redemptive violence–that violence in retaliation for wrong-doing can be justified–is deep in our society…and even in our theology.  But it’s really a myth, and he goes… Continue reading

The 2nd sermon: “Remember who you are”

In pondering the sermon for this Sunday, I discovered that I actually had two sermons.  This is the one that won’t get preached. Text: Matthew 5:13-16 In the movie Lion King, Simba is born into greatness.  A descendant of the king, he is told from a young age that he… Continue reading

The Boat…

My congregation is doing a 6-week sermon/study series based on the book by John Ortberg, If you Want to Walk on Water, You’ve Got to Get Out of the Boat.  I’ve been familiar with this book for quite some time, but I don’t think I’ve read it.  The book is based… Continue reading