Feel Deeply at Home

A sermon for Salem Lutheran Church, Pass Lake, ON on the occasion of their 100th Anniversary. John 15:1-16 Feel deeply at home in me, Jesus is saying, just as I feel deeply at home in my Father.  It’s the difference between being in a house where rules and regulations keep everyone on… Continue reading

The Interruptions ARE the Ministry

Sermon prepared for the ELCIC 2024 Summer Sermon Series–July 21, 2024 Sometimes we can get so caught up in doing the work we think Jesus has tasked us with, that we miss the invitation to step away, take a break, and witness the new thing that God is up to… Continue reading

More Than a Face In the Crowd

Jesus hears her truth and calls her “Daughter”.  Jairus seeks Jesus out because his little daughter is near death, and an unnamed woman who is near death is seen by Jesus and named Daughter.  This woman’s identity is no longer tied to her chronic condition.  Her identity is now tied to relationship—daughter. Sermon—Mark… Continue reading

A Poem About Patience

In 2009 I created a series of lessons and reflections about the Fruit of the Spirit for the preschool where I was teaching. My class got to help teach about patience during the weekly chapel time. I wrote the following poem, and then took pictures of them in different staged… Continue reading

The Clothing of Our Context

If the renewing story of Christ is going to be given the clothing of its context, the values of accompaniment need to take the place of values like power, privilege and survival.  The values of accompaniment look like mutuality, vulnerability, inclusivity, empowerment and sustainability. Sermon for ELCIC Global Mission Sunday, Feb…. Continue reading

A Lofty Vision

The question about how to “love your neighbour” is not about itemizing and classifying who qualifies as worthy of love.  Loving our neighbour is as much about reflecting on our own biases, prejudices and priorities that show up when we are faced with someone who is suffering. Sermon preached during the… Continue reading

Origin Stories

Maybe [Jesus] felt the pressure of his mom’s faith. Maybe he struggled to trust his dad’s love for him. Maybe he was burdened by the expectation that he was supposed to be the one to bring a word of hope to those who were suffering. Maybe some days he just… Continue reading

Puzzling Advent: Focus on the Frame

When life feels scattered and ungrounded, what are the core practices that help you restore order and strength? For some it’s focusing on breathing through meditation or yoga. For some it’s processing through journaling or talking with friends. For some it’s resetting your body through exercise. For me, I know… Continue reading

Puzzling Advent: Missing the Full picture

Do you ever feel like you’re trying to put the pieces of your life together but don’t have a clear sense of the picture you’re making? I put this whole puzzle together before realizing the full picture was on the back of the box. I was looking at the front… Continue reading