Curriculum & Resources

One of the original purposes for starting a blog was to share poems, stories and other things I designed for/with children.  Over time, I have continued to develop a variety of devotions, poems and lesson plans that I hope can serve to equip parents and adults who tend to the faith development of children.  

Family Devotions

The following were created to be used as family devotions. Each devotion includes ideas about how to adapt a learning activity to younger or older children.

Fruit of the Spirit Devotions–Intro

Fruit of the Spirit Devotions–Love

Fruit of the Spirit Devotions–Joy

Fruit of the Spirit Devotions–peace

Fruit of the Spirit–A Poem About Patience

Fruit of the Spirit–Kindness

Fruit of the Spirit–Goodness and Faithfulness

Fruit of the Spirit–Self Control

Poems & Stories

The following are poems or stories written based on various Bible passages, stories, or themes. While based on scripture, they are often creative interpretations of the stories. They may be used to introduce or review stories, to engage in discussion about various stories, or to spark creative interpretation of other kinds.

Bread from Heaven–a poem that connects the story of Manna in the Desert with Communion

Story of Joseph

12 Things to Know About How to Serve the World

The Chords of Miriam’s Song –a creative writing exploration of Ex. 15:19-21

Lesson Plans

The following are a variety of resources that could be part of lesson plans for various faith formation environments. Some are intended to inform teachers working with children/youth in a congregation or church school, others might inform parents/adults looking to intentionally foster faith at home.

“God’s Work, Our Hands” — This poem was written to communicate a Lutheran understanding of the sacraments and how God’s action towards us in Communion and Baptism calls us to be in action towards the world through service for neighbor.

Talking about someone dying

The STUFF of Following Jesus–skit

Family Faith Practices–Season of Advent

Family Faith Practices–Season of Epiphany

Family Faith Practices–Season of Lent

Family Faith Practices–home altar

Family Faith Practices–Advent wreath

Family Faith Practices–4 Keys of Epiphany

Family Faith Practices–4 Keys of Lent

Family Faith Practices–Season of Easter

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