Various manuscripts of sermons over the years. Listed with scripture reference and date to locate them in the lectionary and in my context. Feel free to use for reference, inspiration, your own pondering, etc. (with credit).
- Feel Deeply at Home (100th Anniversary of Salem Lutheran Church, Aug. 24, 2024–John 15:1-16)
- More Than a Face in the Crowd (6th Sunday after Pentecost–Year B, Mark 5:21-43)
- The Clothing of Our Context (5th Sunday after Epiphany–Year B, 1 Cor. 9:16-23. Global Mission Sunday)
- A Lofty Vision (Week of Prayer for Christian Unity–Luke 10:25-37)
- What’s Our Story (9th Sunday after Pentecost–Year A, Matthew 3:31-33, 44-52)
- Nurture the Field (8th Sunday after Pentecost–Year A, Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43)
- Facing Death. Hoping for Resurrection (Lent 5A; John 11:1-45)
- The Margin Space of Wilderness (Lent 1A; Matt 4:1-11. Diaconal Sunday)
- Whose Light Is It? (Epiphany 5C; Matthew 5:13-20)
- Today (and every day) is about Re-Formation (Reformation Sunday–Year C, John 8:31-36)
- It’s Just What God Does (19th Sunday after Pentecost–Year C, Luke 18:1-18)
- Not Another School Cafeteria Scene (12th Sunday after Pentecost–Year C, Luke 14:1, 7-14. Family Camp weekend)
- The Wholeness of Rest (11th Sunday after Pentecost 11–Year C, Luke 13:10-17–ELCIC Summer Sermon Series)
- Gratitude & Generosity (8th Sunday after Pentecost 8–Year C, Luke 12:13-21–pastor’s retirement)
- God IS Relationship (Trinity Sunday–Year C, June 12, 2022)
- Not Just a Pentecost Moment (Festival of Pentecost–Year C, Acts 2:1-21; John 14: 8-17 [25-27])
- One-ness and Relationship (Easter 7c; John 17:17-24; May 29, 2022)
- A Particular Type of Love (Easter 5c; John 13:31-35, May 15, 2022)
- Saving Seats and Measures of Greatness (Pentecost 21c; Mark 10:35-45, Oct. 17, 2021)
- On Heroes and Community (Easter 6B; John 15:9-17)
- Share the Light (Lent 4B; John 3:14-21)
- Lessons in Hindsight (Easter 7A; John 17:1-11, Acts 1:6-14)
- One Bread, One Body (Nov. 11, 2017–Florida Synodical Women’s Conference)
- Show, Don’t [just] Tell (Maundy Thursday; John 13:1-17, 31b-35)
- Not that kind of “If” (Easter 6B; John 15:9-17)
- Jesus is home…what now? (5th Sunday after Pentecost–Year B; Mark 3:19b-35)
- The Tough Question (12th Sunday after Pentecost–Year B; John 6:1-21)
- You Need Jesus (13th Sunday after Pentecost–Year B; John 6:25-34)
- What if It’s Not? (Advent 1C; Luke 21:25-36)
- “Mysteries of the Kingdom” (12th Sunday after Pentecost–Year A; Matthew 13:31-33, 44-52)
- “Amazing Things Happen When You Do What Jesus Asks You To” (begins with a YouTube video from ELCA: “we are church together”) (13th Sunday after Pentecost–Year A; Matthew 14:13-21)
- “Light Bulb Moments” (Epiphany 1C; Luke 3:15-17, 21-22)
- “Growing Up and Letting Go” (Christmas 2; Luke 2:41-52)