What is Hope?

a reflection prepared for a service of remembrance marking 2 years of pandemic. Organized by the spiritual care department at the University of Manitoba. March 2022. What is hope? Hope is stepping into a new job and a new community—even during a pandemic.  It’s forming relationships and making connections through Zoom,… Continue reading


a reflection on moving during a pandemicWaitingFor the new thing to start.For friendshipsThat smell like fresh coffee and pastries,For living into a new jobThat feels like steppingFrom a rocking boat onto solid ground—Legs shaking from the memory of rocky waves,But heart calm knowing the ground is once again solid. WaitingFor… Continue reading

The Pattern of Resurrection

If divine incarnation has any truth to it, then resurrection is a foregone conclusion, and not a one-time anomaly in the body of Jesus, as our Western understanding of the resurrection felt it needed to prove–and then couldn’t. The Risen Christ is not a one-time miracle but the revelation of… Continue reading